The first place that people visit when searching for ailment solutions is the web, making digital marketing for chiropractors a must. These days, people are more willing to trust Google, Quora, and other online forums for information regarding their muscle pains. That is why chiropractors must have an online presence in order to engage these people.
Digital marketing for chiropractors involves the many ways through which chiropractors can engage potential patients. However, not all chiropractors are on board yet, as some of them don’t even know what it means. So, this article will cover what digital marketing entails and its advantages and also offer some common digital marketing strategies.
What Exactly Is Digital Marketing for Chiropractors?

Digital marketing for chiropractors is one of the various avenues through which a chiropractor can improve their online presence. It’s a path for chiropractors to increase their customer base and develop their brand name. In this era where the internet is king, it’s a way for a chiropractor to stay in business and remain relevant.
What Are the Advantages of Online Marketing for Chiropractors

Going the online route for marketing a chiropractic service has numerous advantages, including:
- Increased exposure to people beyond the business’s locality.
- It’s much cheaper than other marketing avenues.
- It makes it easier for chiropractors to measure and track the results of their marketing efforts.
- Increased exposure of the business to its target audience.
- Online marketing campaigns don’t require much technical know-how for the average chiropractic business to utilize it.
Digital Marketing Avenues That Are Available to Chiropractors

Successful chiropractic marketing solutions will allow new patients to find a chiropractor and also get them to contact the individual. Below, we’ll be covering some common digital marketing strategies that the average chiropractor can employ and how they’ll go about it.
Design a Chiropractic Website

The major goal of digital marketing for chiropractors is to push prospective patients to that individual. As such, the first thing that you need to do is own a top-tier website. This website needs to be optimized in many ways to catch the attention of visitors.
The first step in optimizing your website is to take care of its design. A modern design is the best choice for chiropractic marketing, as it gives a good first impression. The website should also be mobile-compatible since most potential patients will be visiting the platform from their mobile phones.
These days, whenever people want to use a new service on the net, they’ll check the reviews of that service. So, you should ensure that your platform is optimized to display reviews from your customers. If it’s possible, you can also include widgets that display reviews from trustworthy review sites like Trustpilot.

Nothing convinces people like pictures of the real thing, so include pictures of your clinic. Take good pictures of yourself when you’re working, pictures of your equipment, and pictures of your staff. This will show your professionalism and further convince your potential patients that you’re a good choice.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When you’re done creating an online platform for your clinic, the next step is to optimize it.
Search engines are a major aspect of advertising in the 21st century. So, all chiropractic marketing services need to account for this.
Search engine optimization is the process of improving a website or online platform, so it ranks higher in search engines. According to a recent study, up to 90% of internet users never go past the first page of search engine results. So, when your chiropractic clinic’s website ranks higher on major search engines, it drives more traffic and leads to the site from its target audience.
SEO also reduces the bounce rate of that platform, allowing visitors to stay longer on the site. As a result, a chiropractor’s online platform must rank high in all major search engine results.

Many things can lead to a high rank on search engines, and these include:
- Offering unique content on your platform.
- Offering helpful content for your potential clients.
- Writing guest posts on other chiropractic websites.
- Creating backlinks on higher-ranking chiropractic websites, etc.
Encourage Patient Reviews and Respond to Them

More than 90% of internet users check the reviews of a product before trying it. Many people have also been deterred from trying a new service due to negative reviews. So, reviews can be beneficial or disastrous for any business.
Nevertheless, this doesn’t discourage the fact that they’re great for marketing chiropractic services. So, you need to ensure that you’ve got plans to improve the reviews that your customers leave online. This way, your chiropractic service will have a good reputation online.
There are many ways that you can go about doing this, and some of them include:
- Automating your reviews by sending automatic texts and emails to your clients to leave reviews on the site.
- You could also tell your clients to leave reviews of your service right before they exit your online platform.

Besides encouraging new patients to leave reviews, another marketing strategy is to respond to those reviews. This will give more patients the impression that you care about their welfare and the service that they receive. Your interactions with new patients should not be limited to your platform; you can also respond to them on other review sites.
Encourage Patient Referrals

If you’re doing a good job as a chiropractor, then it’s only natural when your current patients refer more patients to you. However, you can also encourage this by offering bonuses or freebies for every successful referral.

This chiropractic marketing solution works best when you automate the process and make it easier for your clients. That’s because most people would prefer a one-click referral button to one that requires them to type things out. The easier it is on the side of the customer, the more successful it will be.
Your referral program can come in many forms. However, some of the most popular methods include the following:
- One-click buttons to share information regarding your service on their social media pages.
- Emails to your clients with promises of bonuses that come with each referral.
Create a Google Ad

Google is the major search engine these days, so it’s the first choice for many when searching for a chiropractor. When you use this search engine, the first result that you’ll see is a Google Ad.
These ads are a great way to get your name out there, and they’re cheap too. This is because they pay per click, so you only pay for the ad whenever an individual clicks on it. So, your money is being well spent, as every click that you pay for indicates a potential customer.
Although Google Ads are a good choice for chiropractic digital marketing, there’s competition within them too. There are thousands of chiropractors trying to advertise their businesses, so only a few get shown on the first page. Besides this, you have to worry about being shown to your potential clients.
Hence, you have to optimize your Google Ads by including strong keywords in them. These keywords include:
- The top services that you offer.
- The search terms that people type when looking for your services.
- Variations of the search terms that people type when looking for your services.
This way, when people search for something like “treatment for back pain,” your platform will be in the Google Ads shown.
Facebook Ads

Besides Google Ads, Facebook Ads are another chiropractic online marketing tool. It has been confirmed multiple times that Facebook is the most popular online platform today. It also has a high population of users from all age groups, especially people who are past their prime.
This makes it one of the best hotspots for digital marketing for chiropractors. With this popularity, however, comes intense competition among rival chiropractors. Many chiropractors might have also tried Facebook Ads in the past and come up with nothing to show for it.
All of this has served to discourage many chiropractors from using it. However, most chiropractors have been using this digital marketing strategy wrong. They’ve been treating Facebook as a platform where people go to purchase services, and that’s wrong.
Facebook is a platform that a high percentage of users visit to communicate with friends and family. Others also visit this platform to watch the news, funny videos or to kill time. So, you have to make your ads fit this general theme; and the guide below can help with that.
Get Your Name Out There

Why not discuss the issues that you treat before you begin promoting the chiropractic services that you provide? For example, you can post a video talking about the symptoms of back pain and easy remedies for it. Ensure that your videos are at most 3 minutes long, as the internet age has bred short attention spans.
Offer Promotional Offers

As you post more videos online, you’ll start getting a few repeat viewers who would be interested in what you offer. At this point, these people would have known your face and the type of services you offer.
Now that you’ve become popular, you can start promoting your services. You could start with promotional offers that allow people to get a free checkup. After the free checkup, they could consider whether they want to pay for treatment.
You could also provide discounts on treatment plans for certain common ailments. With strategies like this, people who have watched your ads will surely come visit.
Does a Chiropractor Need Customized Marketing Strategies

Although the average chiropractor can employ many of the strategies above and get decent results, nothing beats experience. This is why many still prefer visiting chiropractic marketing agencies for customized marketing campaigns. These agencies know how to customize these marketing strategies to better fit a business.
What Is the Target Audience for Chiropractic Marketing

A chiropractic marketing solution must consider the age of the audience, as this helps in defining the target audience. As a result, the target audience for such chiropractic online marketing strategies is older people. Typically, people between the ages of 45 and 65 years.
It is during this age that people start experiencing things like back pain, muscle cramps, and the like.

Online marketing for chiropractors is important now that every business needs to have an online presence. Since many people look for treatments online first, a chiropractor needs to be able to reach them there.
The question of how to develop this online presence involves things like SEO, owning a website, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. Digital marketing for chiropractors can either be handled by the chiropractors themselves, or they can seek the services of chiropractic marketing agencies. If you require such services, contact us for a 15-minute call.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can Chiropractors Advertise on Major Search Engines?
Yes, major search engines see more visitors than the average search engine, and they’re essential to any marketing campaign. Advertisements on these platforms are open to any business as long as it’s legal and trustworthy. So, a chiropractor that desires a successful marketing campaign will utilize major search engines like Google, Bing, etc.
How Can I Promote My Chiropractic Practice?
There are many ways that you can promote your chiropractic service, and some of them include Google Ads and Facebook Ads. You can also commission the design of a website and optimize it to display customer reviews.
After creating a website, the next thing would be to ensure that your website ranks highly in search engine rankings. To do this, you’ll need to employ many of the SEO techniques outlined above.
How Do I Get More Clients for Chiropractic Services?
The first step to getting more clients as a chiropractor is to do a good job. When you’re an expert at the service that you offer, your current patients will be willing to refer you to others.
Besides offering a good service, you can also employ many of the digital marketing techniques outlined above. This will get your business name out there and bring many interested customers to you.
How Much Does a Chiropractor Spend on Digital Marketing?
The digital marketing costs for a chiropractor have no fixed figure, as it’s all based on the services employed. It ranges from the free videos that you post on social media to placing Google and Facebook Ads for $1. You could also go as high as spending $99 for a digital marketing package from chiropractic marketing agencies.
What Kind of Things Do Chiropractors Post on Social Media?
Chiropractors post lots of interesting content on social media relating to their craft. They can offer advice on different chiropractic issues or start a discussion regarding a common ailment that people face. You could see them hosting a question-and-answer session on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where their prospective clients ask them questions.
Must I Market a New Chiropractic Office on Search Engines?
It’s not a must, as search engines are just another medium for chiropractic marketing services. However, it would improve your efforts if you marketed your new office on major search engines like Google. This is because they’re the first place that many patients visit when they require chiropractic service.