For the Working Professional

  • Self and Team Effectiveness
  • Coaching
  • Process Facilitation
  • Change Management

Self and Team Effectiveness

All change starts with self-awareness and Emergenetics® is the profiling tool of choice. Understanding 4 thinking and 3 behaviourial attributes of a person yields boundless opportunities to impact engagement, collaboration, problem solving, resolving conflicts, personal growth, hybrid working and more.


Coaching paired with profiling offers a customised solution for self-development – the person leverages on his/her strengths while learning to make up for his/her missing attributes. Individual or team coaching is a great complement to one’s pursuit of growth.

Process Facilitation

We design, develop and facilitate high stakes meetings like corporate planning, project kickoff where people come together to understand the objectives of upcoming initiatives, discuss robustly, work out differences and ultimately commit to the changes.

Change Management

Everyone wants change but not everyone wants to change. We manage the change process by getting people to understand why the status quo is not sufficient and a new reality is needed, then engaging them to transit from the as-is state to the to-be state through intentional change management process, mindset shifts and other change interventions.

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