About Us

  • What We Do
  • Our Mission & Values
  • About the Founder

What We Do

What We Do

POISE for Life Management Consulting supports organisations and individuals to realise possibilities, through profiling, coaching, facilitating and change management services. POISE is an acronym for Possibilities Inspired by Self-Empowerment which sums up our belief in cultivating a positive and empowering mindset for personal development and impacting the world around us.

Our Mission & Values

MISSION: to be the spark of positive and generative energy for the individual, teams and the whole organization

VALUES:  Abundance Mentality ª Integrity ª Self-empowerment

  • Abundance Mentality encourages us to acknowledge and tap into what we already have and create possibilities from here. We celebrate the success of others and find ways to ‘pay it forward’, improving the present for the future.
  • Self-empowerment allows us to consciously and actively make decisions to contribute to the positive outcomes we want. 
  • Integrity is what makes us a trustworthy collaborator and partner with all we work with. ways to ‘pay it forward’, improving the present for the future.

Our Mission & Values

What We Do

Angeline Tan

Founder & Principal Consultant

Angeline has more than 30 years of experience in people, team and organisation development, change management,  employee communications, project management and group process facilitation.

She has worked in the education, healthcare, leadership consultancy, retail industries and the public sector. 

She set up POISE For Life Management Consulting as a way to go deeper into designing, developing and implementing interventions that impact the individual, the team and the organization. 

She has a strong interest in coaching and working with youths and emergent leaders in organisations as they will be the leaders of tomorrow, shaping the workforce and society of the future. She believes there is a need to build capacity in systems large and small for diverse voices to be heard, and for people to contribute to the future they are helping to create.  This is why she views facilitative skills as important for all people leaders.

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